Conference on Computational Physics 2024

Constantia Alexandrou

Biographical Information:

Constantia Alexandrou received a BA degree in Physics from the University of Oxford in 1980 and a PhD in Theoretical Nuclear Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA in 1985. She held research positions at the Paul Scherer Institute, Switzerland and at Erlangen University, Germany. Prof. Alexandrou is Professor at the Physics Department of the University of Cyprus, where she leads the Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) Computational Lab. She is coordinator of several research programs, has numerous scientific publications and invited talks at international meetings and has organized several workshops in Cyprus and abroad. She is the representative of Cyprus at IUPAP and PRACE. For The Cyprus Institute, she served as Vice-Chair of the Interim Governing Board (IGB) and as Chair of the IGB of the Computational-based Science and Technology Research Center (CaSToRC). In July 2010, the Board of the Institute bestowed Alexandrou with the title of 'Institute Professor'.


Overview of recent progress in simulating quantum chromodynamics and hadron structure

We will overview recent progress in simulating quantum chromodynamics (QCD) on a Euclidean lattice in terms of hadron structure observables. Precision results on selected quantities, such as nucleon charges, form factors, and Mellin moments of parton distribution functions, will be discussed, including new developments enabling the direct computation of generalised parton distributions and transverse momentum distributions. These quantities not only shed light on hadron structure but also provide input for searches for beyond the standard model physics. The computational infrastructure enabling these large scale simulations will be also be presented.