Biographical Information:
Yasumichi Aoki has been the leader of the Field Theory Research Team in RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS) since 2018. The team performs research and development to utilize state-of-the-art computational resources including supercomputer Fugaku and to perform large scale numerical simulations aiming to solve microscopic physical phenomena through field theory simulations. His current focus is the use of lattice chiral fermions to particle and nuclear physics, such as understanding of QCD phase and thermodynamics, precision test of the standard model through flavor physics.
Chiral Fermion Simulations on Fugaku and QCD Thermodynamics
Lattice QCD with large scale simulation is playing indispensable roles in understanding the fundamental laws of physics and structures of matters. Chiral symmetry and its spontaneous breaking are one of the most curtail properties in low energy QCD physics and to understand phase transition. Chiral symmetric formulations that exist and has been used in quite a few applications tend to be computationally more demanding than the ones that break (most of) the chiral symmetry. Still they offer opportunities to perform simulations at non-zero lattice spacings with exact or nearly exact chiral symmetry, while the symmetry is intact only in the continuum limit in the other formulations. We have been using a domain wall fermion, a practical chiral fermion formulation, on the supercomputer Fugaku for zero temperature hadron processes for the precision test of the standard model, and for finite temperature QCD to understand the phase structure and thermodynamics of QCD, paying special attention to control the residual chiral symmetry breaking. In this talk we give a summary of chiral fermion simulations on Fugaku with special emphasis put on the finite temperature QCD simulations.